Preserving rare poultry in Tasmania.

Rare breeds at the Huon Show by Isaac Walker

25/11/2011 19:08

Rare breeds at the Huon Show

by Isaac Walker

The Clubs exhibit at the Huon Show.

The Rare Breeds Club was invited to promote rare poultry at the Huon Agricultural Show this year on the 12th of November.

A rare breeds feature was set up with several breeds rarely seen in public provided for the public display. These included a Houdan, a Frizzle bantam, a Malay game, Bantam Malay and Brahma.

The number of rare breeds in the show was fabulous, with nearly 20 different rare breeds represented, and many people stopped by during the day to ask questions about rare poultry. The clubs Information Booklet raised much interest.

Nearly two dozen people inquired as to how they could get set up with the rare breeds, and overall it was a great day with lots of interest in rare breeds on the day.

Much thanks to the Huon Agricultural Show Poultry Section organizer Corinna Sloane for inviting the club to be there on the day.